19 April 2014, Saturday, Piano-Battle
Nominations: Performers’ battles (from 2 to 6 years of training),
Performers’ battles (from 7 to 10 years of training), Performing skill battle,
Jazz improvisation battle, Improvisations on popular music melodies and themes,
Mini-contests on the best single work performance.
16.00 – Entrance. Registration of participants
17.00 – Performers’ battle (from 2 to 6 years of training, inclusive).
Any simple works are played. Max. 8 performers. 4 players are selected for battle. They should know 4 works.
17.30 – Performers’ battles (from 7 to 10 years of training, inclusive).
Any works are played. Max. 8 performers. 4 players are selected for battle. They should know 4 works.
18.00 – Performing skill battle.
Any works are played. Max. of 8 players are selected for battle. They should know 4 works.
A part from any large work may be played as well.
19.00 – Jazz improvisation battle.
Any jazz works and improvisations based on them are played, duration – up to 2 minutes.
Two finalists at the final battle play improvisation on J.Kosma - "Autumn leaves".
19.30 – Mini-contests on the best single work performance:
- Mini-contest on the best performance of: F. Chopin Waltz No 7(cis moll op.64-2)
- Contest on the best performance of F. Chopin Fantaisie-Impromptu
21.00 – Improvisations on popular music melodies and themes Battle. Max. of 8 players are selected for battle.
Improvisations on any themes are played during the first round. Potpourri of Italian tunes are played during semi final
(operas, films, pop and popular performers etc.). Improvisations on French tunes – in the final.
General rules: all works are performed by heart. Сlavinova Yamaha CLP – 405 is used for battle. Keyboard is made of Natural Wood with Graded Hammer 3 system like in real pianos. Works are performed in full, though judges may stop a performer at any moment.
- Vyacheslav Sheverdin, pianist
- E.Shvarts, teacher
- I.Lebedev, pianist, teacher.
- L.Eremin, composer
- Sergey Ovodov