All works are performed by heart. Grand piano manufactured by Blüthner company
in the end of 19th century in Leipzig was used for battles.
Nominations: 1: Performers’ battles (from 2 to 6 years of training).
2: Performers’ battles (from 7 to 10 years ).
3: Performing skill battle. 4: Jazz improvisation battle. 5: Mini-contest.
6: Improvisations on popular music melodies and themes.
17.00 – Entrance. Registration of participants
18.00 – Performers’ battle (from 2 to 6 years of training, inclusive).
Any simple works are played, duration - up to 3 minutes. Max. 15 performers.
4 players are selected for battle. They should know 4 works.
18.30 – Performers’ battles (from 7 to 10 years of training, inclusive).
Any works are played, duration - up to 3 minutes. Max. 15 performers.
4 players are selected for battle. They should know 4 works.
19.00 – Performing skill battle.
Any works are played, duration - up to 5 minutes.
Max. 15 performers. 8 players are selected for battle. They should know 4 works.
20.00 - Jazz improvisation battle.
Any jazz works and improvisations based on them are played, duration – up to 2 min.
Two finalists at the final battle play improvisation on George Gershwin - "Summer Time".
21.00 – Mini-contests on the best single work performance (see discussions).
21.30 – Improvisations on popular music melodies and themes Battle.
Duration – up to 3 minutes. Max. 15 performers. 8 players are selected for battle.
Improvisations on any themes are played during selection. Potpourri of Soviet songs tunes
are played during quarter final. Potpourri of wartime songs (1941-1945) – during semi-final
and improvisations on Russian folk songs at the final.
Leonid Eremin, Mikhail Benediktov, Feliks Model, Elena Shvarts.
Sergey Ovodov