On June 11, Moscow hosted the first official qualifying tournament for the European Championship in Argentine tango.
On June 11, Moscow hosted the first official qualifying tournament for the European Championship in Argentine tango.
Since 2003, the main Argentine tango world championship has been the Mundial de Tango in Argentina. At the Mundial, according
to the “purpose” of tango, there are only 2 categories: tango for the stage (tango escenario), when a couple performs with
pre-prepared choreography to their own music, and tango “for the dance floor” (tango de pista) - “imitation” of the milonga (evenings
of social tango).
Several couples come out onto the parquet at once and dance the way they would dance in a milonga - improvisation. Before the start
the host announces what music the couples will dance to - these are always three tunes from different orchestras. Dancers need to
demonstrate the ability to dance in different ways, demonstrating the style of the orchestra by dancing.
The composition of the judges was the envy of even Mundial: the world champion of the first modern championship in Argentine
ango (2003) Gisela Galeassi, the world champion in Argentine tango (2005) Germán Cornejo. Herman and Khisela are choreographers
and directors of the last performance "Wild Tango", which opened the Chekhov Theater Festival. Ezequel Lopez and Camila Alegre are
a couple who became world champions in Argentine tango in 2015.
All of the above won in the escenario category. Angel Coria, who does not have a champion title, is the judge of the preliminaries,
semi-finals and finals of the World Cup. All are Argentines. This is a strict Mundial rule - all jury members must be Argentines.
Eugenia and Luis received a free ticket to Italy and the opportunity to play immediately in the semi-finals of the European Championship on June 29 - July 2.